Monday, November 15, 2010

My Life- Final Project

The type of music i used was classical rock, I used the song "Hotel California" by The Eagles. Because i wanted a slow moving song, to keep the mood of the movie calm. I found my info on the internet using sites that wouldn't go wrong. I found my pictures from my grandfather's computer and any picture i did not find there I would find at my house and I would scan the pictures onto my desktop and send them to my Macbook. I found the songs on my iTunes. -Prices of (bread, milk, etc.) in 1995.-Different fashion trends in 1995. I used Safari most of the time. I found a couple of useless ones. I used a scanner to scan my pictures, I used flashdrives, and i also used a Mac, Macbook, and Acer, I used iMovie, and PowerPoint. I am good at using iMovie and transfering files. Collecting up all of my pictures and transfering them to my computer. I really didn't struggle with a whole lot on this project except planning when to get it finished, nothing ws too difficult. Yes, i did because I find that still slides are better, not easier but better to work with when dealing with an imformative movie. Yes, it was about me and my family. Why, because the project was about my life and the only reason why I am here is because of my family. I didn't use a video because I don't have any movies of my family except the ones that are on VHS tapes. When making a PowerPoint for a speech, or giving info to your class. Well to start off, there is citing and then when it comes to music, well I bought the music. I didn't use the whole song. If it was on my own then probably only if I thought it was a good idea for the moment but probably not.

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